
BLOG #9: How it Started

Hey guys,

Lets be honest, I am new at this “creator” thing and sometimes I don’t know what to write about haha! If you have any ideas, please feel free to share! I figured this week we can go through how it all started and what each of our roles are!

Okay, let’s go back a bit. In the beginning of 2020, David decided he wanted to start a Youtube channel. He was and still is super interested and intrigued with social media and how the algorithms work. WAIT…. back up. Lets go back a little further into the end of 2019 when my niece decided to show “Uncle David” TikTok. Dave at first thought it was just a platform for kids but then slowly started looking more into it. This platform meshed perfectly with his sense of humor and began to dabble with it, making a couple videos here and there and then he became popular. From this, TikTok community began asking if he had a YouTube channel… We also knew that our big move was a possibility at this point (HINT: can you spot it in his first video linked below?). Now at this time there wasn’t much to film, and starting a channel with just daily lifestyle blogging, unless you have a super interesting life, is going to take a LONG time. But, nevertheless, he wanted to try it. Fast forward a couple months and COVID starts hitting Nova Scotia and a shut down is in place. No place to go, not many things to do in the house, and since we are huge Disney fans we decided to make Disney recipes. It helped with the consistency of the channel (needed for the algorithm), gave us something to do and gave David more practice editing.

Now, my whole point of talking about this is that social media, mainly our Youtube channel, is Davids baby. I have to give all the credit to him, he had the dream, decided to take the plunge, studied the algorithm, does all the editing, and to be frank… He did 100% of the work up until a couple months ago. SO, you can imagine, it is hard to let someone help him since he grew this from nothing. With some persuasion, I was able to start to help him out little by little with him showing me the different platforms. I want to be more involved in everything EXCEPT the editing LOL. The effort and precision he puts into his editing is something I don’t think I could compete with.

So, what have I been up to lately with the channel? I LOVE organization!! Without it I don’t feel productive at all. I am the one behind the scenes answering comments, slowly taking over the emails, taking everyones suggestions, researching them and putting them into our list of places to go. Yes, we really do look into every suggestion that you guys give us! From this, they are split into 3 categories: day tips, weekend trip, and “need to take vacation” trips. From there, depending on our availability, we pick from the list and start planning.

I find it so neat that how we are all learning from each other. Well us mainly learning from Kenyans haha and where to go, but at the same time, when have a different perspective and different set off eyes, we are also showing them places that some never knew about. And it would be the same if we were in Nova Scotia. Since I was born and raised there, I feel as though I “saw it all” when in reality, there are so many hidden gems there but I just never looked far enough. I encourage everyone, wherever you are, to explore and travel your own country/province as if it were your first time going there and rediscover the beauty that it has to offer and you won’t be disappointed. Go for hikes, make your own food tours, visit every local cafe, etc.. Just try it! Especially now with COVID, if you are able to not be in lockdown, local businesses need you, they need all the help they can get, especially those places that run and survive off tourism. This is the time, pull together and do what we can to help our world survive, because we all know that the world needs some more positivity in a time like this. 

Until next time,


PS. Below is David’s first ever Youtube Video, Check it out!!